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Major Accomplishments in creating Eclair

  • Designed and created a third person cover shooter

  • Successfully created specified moments in the level to create a fun, cohesive experience.

  • Used lighting, landmarks, and enemy placement to guide the player.

  • Scripted major moments in the level such as the doors, AA turret, and boss fight sequence.

  • Polished character mechanics to provide the best experience for players.

Sections of the level

  • Cliff top - The cliff top is the tutorial section of the level. The players will learn the basic controls of movement, combat, and where their final destination is.

  • Front Gate - players learn how to use their weapon, about combat with enemies, and how to take cover.
    (Highlighted Blue)

  • Shipping Yard - provided situations for players to get used to taking cover and shooting.
    (Highlighted Orange)

  • Courtyard - introduced exploding barrels and gave players a situation which they could overcome in a 3 ways. By either going down the middle, the right side against the wall, or the walkway above.
    (Highlighted Yellow)

  • Shipping Yard 2 - introduced players to the powerful grenade weapon and provided a mini boss encounter situation for them to overcome.
    (Highlighted Light blue)

  • Alley - created a situation to show off the power of their newly acquired weapon which is the grenade launcher.
    (Highlighted Purple)

  • Main Entrance - created a two directional encounter area focused on cover where the player faces off against waves of enemies until eventually the boss arrives for an epic fight.
    (Highlighted Red)




















Enemy AI

Created AI with 3 different states and 4 different weapons to create the desired challenging and interesting experience for the player.



  • Assault - rushes the player in order to force the player into picking which threats to deal with first.

  • Cover - seeks cover and uses it to avoid damage from the player while not firing. Also provokes the player into flanking the enemies.

  • Boss - provide a challenging fight for the player while also following specific rules so that the player can make a strategy of how to deal with the boss.


  • Shotgun - close ranged weapons which are commonly used with the Assault State.

  • Assault - fully automatic rifles which are most commonly used with the Cover State.

  • Grenade Launcher - a powerful weapon used to show off the destructible cover and force the player to move between covers.

  • Boss Weapon - 3 round burst grenade cannon used to force the player into short engagements with the boss and to force the player into moving between provided covers.

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